Remarks: Fragment of antefix plaque with Gorgoneion in relief, surrounded by fairly flat shell of convex tongues/roll/flat fascia. On back, scar of cover tile attached near bottom. May be burned
Type of decoration: Strigil shell/Gorgoneion in relief
Last Recorded Collection: Antikensammlung
Mouldmade: yes
Height: 27.7
Width: 17.8
MPD: ca. 4.2
Clay: 5YR 5/4 burned
Paint: White surface 10YR 7/2. Dark purple-brown 10R 3/2 inner outline of alternate tongues, diagonal band on torus, lips, alternate strands of beard, 2 parallel stripes on flat fascia, edges of flat fascia. black inner outline of alternate tongues, diagonal bands on roll, hair, eye, alternate strands of beard, volute eye
Condition: Preserves right half of face & outer shell