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Casts showing gorgo

Cast No. A029
Athena wearing a helmet, and aigis which was once decorated with a head of Gorgo separately attached. She probably once held a spear in her right hand, and a shield on her left arm.
Cast No. C079
Athena wearing a helmet, and aegis decorated with a head of Gorgo.
She once held a shield and spear.
Cast No. E003
Shield showing the battle between Greeks and Amazons, with a head of Gorgo in the centre.
Cast No. C075b
Athena wearing an unusual cross-slung aigis, decorated with a head of Gorgo.
See also C249.
Cast No. A015
Athena supports the hero Perseus as he cuts off the head of Gorgo who clasps her child, the winged horse Pegasos, to her side. The others look away to avoid Gorgo's petrifying glance.
Cast No. C079
Athena wearing a helmet, and aegis decorated with a head of Gorgo.
She once held a shield and spear.
Cast No. B206b
Head of Gorgo, for the first time shown as a beautiful woman, with wings in her hair and snakes around her face.
The original head was probably on an aigis or shield.
Cast No. C080
Athena wearing a wolf-head cap, and aigis decorated with a head of Gorgo. She once held a spear in her right hand and perhaps had a shield on her left arm. The head may not belong with the body.
Cast No. A017
Athena wearing an aigis decorated with a large head of Gorgo.
Cast No. C076
Athena wearing a helmet, and aigis decorated with a head of Gorgo. Her right hand rests on a column and holds a figure of Nike. Her left hand rests on a shield emblazoned with a head of Gorgo. A snake is coiled inside the shield.
Cast No. A044
Clay antefix, gorgoneion.
Cast No. C165
Athena wearing a helmet, and aigis decorated with a head of Gorgo (on the left shoulder). She holds a box containing the serpent Erichthonios.

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