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Image: Louvre G457; BAPD no. 217018
(Eretria Painter)

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Click on a row in table to view a researcher's details
NameResearch TopicsAffiliation
Ahmed, ShakeelAlterity. Attic pottery. Greek Vase Iconography. Gender. Communication in images. Vases in the 5th century BCE. Provenance studies.. Greek Vases (Iconography), gender, space-place-landscape, sacred spaceUniversity of Leeds - PhD
Akuzman, GamzePortrayals of foreigners and otherness in vase-painting imagery. Potrayals of foreigners and otherness in vase-painting imagery - PhD
Allan, AbigailAl Mina fragments. Attic pottery. Black gloss wares. Collections histories. Etruscan pottery. Greek pottery in British country houses. Provenance studies. South Italian potterySchool of Archaeology, University of Oxford and The National Trust of England, Wales, and Northern Ireland - DPhil Classical Archaeology
Ambrosini, LauraAttic vases in Etruria and pre Roman ItalyResearch Director - National Research Council of Italy
Attia, AlexandraIconography. Pottery production. South Italian vasesUniversity of Fribourg, Switzerland - Post-doc researcher
Attout, AntoineAttic pottery. Ceramic production, craft identity, trade, external artistic influence. East Greek potteryUniversité Libre de Bruxelles - PhD
Austin, WilliamBeazley, connoisseurship, intellectual history of the study of vase-painting. Iconography and approaches to pictorial narrative. OrnamentPrinceton University - PhD
Bauerle, Ellentransition to red figure; "Pioneers"; Archaic and early Classical potters and pottery; potting technologyUniversity of Michigan Press / independent researcher - Michigan PhD in hand
Bennett, Danielle SmothermanCommunication in images.. Gender.. Greek Vase Iconography.. Provenance studies. Vases in the 5th century BCEMuseum of Fine Arts Houston
Bièvre-Perrin, FabienApulian vases. Computing. Databases. Iconography. Reception history. Semantic Web. South Italian vasesUniversité de Lorraine (Maître de conférences)
Bossolino, IsabellaCretan pottery. East Greek pottery. Geometric potteryUniversité Libre de Bruxelles
Bundrick, SheramyAttic vases in Etruria. Consumers, consumption studies. Greek Vases (Iconography, Inscriptions). Iconography and approaches to pictorial narrative. Provenance studies; discovery contexts. trade and exportUniversity of South Florida
Carderaro, LidianeAncient greek music iconography. Greek Vases iconography.. Relationship between music and mythology on greek vases iconography.Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology - University of São Paulo - Post-doc
Casamassine, RogerApulian, Canosan and Lucanian VasesIndependent researcher
Caso, MariliaAncient greek music iconography. Iconography (old age; clothing and textiles; warriors and warfare; religion and cult; music and musicians). Relationship between music and mythology on greek vases iconography.Independent researcher - Music Degree
Cebic, MilicaAncient Greek manufacturing process, Morphology of the ancient Greek vessel, Applique, Experimental Archeology, Canon, Discourse on Ancient Greek ArtUniversity of Arts, Belgade, Facultry of Fine Arts, Sculpture Department - D.F.A
Choubineh, NathalieArchaeology of dance in the Near Eastern/East Mediterranean art. Iconography of dance movements in Hellenic vase-painting. Women, culture, dance, and ritual in the pastIndependent Researcher
D’Onofrio, MartinaCorinthian pottery. Iconography. Vase-painting of the Archaic PeriodUniversity of Pisa - PhD Candidate
De Melio, EnricaAttic pottery. Non-Attic black-figure vases. South Italian pottery. South Italian vasesIndependent researcher - PhD
Defonteyne, LeonieBeazley Archive. Non-Attic black-figure vases. WomenUniversity of Oxford - DPhil Classical Archaeology
Delavaud Roux, Marie-HélèneIconography of ancient Greek danceuniversité de Bretagne occidentale, France (maîtresse de conférence)
Delferrière, NicolasComparisons and influences between Greek vase painting and Roman wall painting. Iconography (clothing and furniture ; decoration craftsmen). Representations of architecture on vasesUniversité Clermont Auvergne
Denoyelle , Martine Attributions. Figured languages. Greek vases. Reception history. South Italian red-figure potteryMinistère de la Culture, France
Derada, MartinaHellenistic pottery from the Cappadocia region.. Late Geometric and Archaic pottery from Lemnos and Northern Aegean.. Northern Aegean amphoras.Università di Pavia - PhD Candidate
Descoeudres, Jean-PaulVase-painting of the Archaic Period, esp. Eretrian black-figureUniversities of Geneva and Sydney -
D'Orlando, DarioFunerary archaeology. Iconography and Iconology. Religion and CultUniversità degli Studi di Cagliari - PhD
Downton, ChristinePolitical imagery on Attic vases (officials, ideals, actions, explicit and implied). Craftsmen.University of Leicester/Independent Researcher - PhD
Figueira, Ana RitaAlterity. Approaches to pictorial thinking. Language and depictions. Medicine (psyche). Epic. Greek Vases (Iconography, Inscriptions), VI-V BCE. Mythological narratives and reception. Philosophy. AestheticsSchool of Arts and Humanities, Centre for Classical Studies, University of Lisbon - PhD
Franceschini, Mariachiara Attic vases in Etruria. Etruscan pottery. Greek pottery. Iconography. Provenance studies. Visual StudiesAlbert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Gailledrat, EricEtruscan ceramics. Greek ceramics. Greek colonisationCentre National de la Recherche Scientifique- ASM (Montpellier, France)
Garés Molero, AlejandroAthenian black-figure vases (late workshops). Chronology studies (archaeological record). Fourth-century kraters (The Telos Group). Greek pottery in the Iberian Peninsula. Non-Greek audiencies and Athenian vases. Western Mediterranean tradeUniversidad Autónoma de Madrid - PhD
Gaunt, JasperPotters, painters, connoisseurship, iconography, distribution, vessels in other mediaThe Al Thani Collection
Gerleigner, GeorgGreek painted pottery. History of collecting and collections. History of scholarship. Iconography. Methodologies. Provenance studies. Vase-inscriptionsFriedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Gill, David W. J.Attic black-glossed wares. cultural property. fragmented pottery. History of collecting and collections. museology. museology. skeuomorphism. trade and export. valueUniversity of Kent
Gooch, EmmaAncient Greek housing. Animals in Greek art. Children on Athenian vases. Greek pottery. Iconography. Pottery in museum collectionsNewcastle University
Graml, ConstanzeAthenian pottery in Thrace. Athenian vase painting. Greek Vases (Iconography). Non-Greek audiencies and Athenian vases. Pottery production. Shapes and functions of greek vasesUniversity of Gießen, Germany
Green, J RichardGreek and South Italian pottery; so-called phlyax vases; ancient theatre performances; ancient theatres; Hellenistic and Roman CyprusUniversity of Sydney (Emeritus); University of Adelaide
Guerini, GiuliettaAncient repairs and alterations. Contexts. Etruscan ceramics. Greek vases from Spina (Valle Pega, Dosso B). Iconography. Reception historyScuola Normale Superiore, Pisa - PhD Candidate
Harokopos, NicholasAthenian black- and red-figure vases. Iconography (old age; clothing and textiles; warriors and warfare; religion and cult; music and musicians). Reception and contextualisation of visual imagery on vases, 7-4th centuries BCENational and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Hawkins, RachelAncient greece democracy. Ancient Greek manufacturing process, Morphology of the ancient Greek vessel, Applique, Experimental Archeology, Canon, Discourse on Ancient Greek Art. Ancient greek tragedy and comedy.. Athenian black-figure vases (late workshops). Designs geometric orientalising,black figure and red figure. Historical texts Thucydides,Herodotus Plato Aristotle Pericles. Stages of development of ancient pottery. Vase inscriptionsThe Open University UK
Herrera Meléndez, Isidora PazFemale work in the domestic dimension and in the public sphere. Iconography of gender on Greek potteryUniversidad de Sevilla - Archaeology master degree
Herring, EdwardEthnicity. Etruscan figured pottery (black-figure and red-figure). Greek colonisation. Iconography. Indigenous peoples of South Italy. Magna Graecia. South Italian Matt-Painted pottery. South Italian red-figure potteryUniversity of Galway
Hristov, HristomirAttic pottery. Corinthian pottery. Greek Vases (Iconography). Mythology. Shapes and functions of greek vases; pottery production; history of collections; provenance studiesArchaeological Museum Frankfurt
Iancu, Alinaloom weights and spindle whorls in Aegean. textile production. textile tools made of clayNational Institute of Heritage of Romania
Iozzo, MarioGreek vase-painting, Greek archaeology, classical iconography, Greh literature, Greek Language, trade and export of Greek vases, relationship text-imagesNational Archaeological Museum of Florence (Ministry of Culture, Italy) - PhD
Ivanova, Sofiya Independent researcher
Jones , Kyle T. Iconography and mythology of astronomical phenomenaNorthwestern University - PhD
Jurriaans-Helle, GeraldaAthenian black-figure vases.. Chariot scenes. Iconography and approaches to pictorial narrativeAllard Pierson Museum, University of Amsterdam
Kyrkos, PantelisActive-Passive. Dionysus. Erotic scenes. Gaze. Gender.. Greek Vase Iconography. Gender. Communication in images. Vases in the 5th century BCE. Provenance studies.. PassivityIndependent researcher
Lewis, SianAnimals in Greek art. Iconography of gender on Greek pottery. Status of painters of potteryUniversity of St Andrews
Lungu, MichaelAspect of sports. Sources of sports. Vase-inscriptionsIndependent - Masters
Manakidou, EleniAttic and Corinthian pottery in the North Aegean and the Black Sea. Greek pottery, its makers and consumers - style, iconography, techniques, trade. Iconography and Iconology. Iconography of gender on Greek pottery. Shapes and functions of greek vases; pottery production; history of collections; provenance studies. Women, culture, dance, and ritual in the pastAristotle University of Thessaloniki
Mannack, ThomasGreek Vases (Iconography, Inscriptions)Classical Art Research Centre, University of Oxford
Margariti, KatiaDogs on Athenian vases. Funerary vases. Iconography. Iconography (animal representations)Independent Researcher
Massar, NatachaCraftsmen and pottery production. Greek Vases (Iconography, Inscriptions). Hellenistic pottery, mainly from CreteRoyal Museums of Art and History, Brussels
Masters, SamanthaAttic pottery. Iconography and contexutalisation of visual imagery on vases 7-4th centuries BCE. Histories, reception and documentation of collections of Greek vases in South Africa. Digital database of Classical artifacts in South Africa.Stellenbosch University
Mazet, ChristianAttic vases in Etruria. History of collecting. Iconography and Iconology. Provenance studies. Vase-painting of the Archaic PeriodUniversité Libre de Bruxelles
Mazzon, Massimo Late Bronze Age the Mycenaean style of pottery. The Geometric StyleCantor Art Center - Stanford, CA
McNiven, TimothyIconography. Gestures. Gender. Vase techniques.Ohio State University - PhD
Miguel-Naranjo, PedroAttic Red-Figure Vases and Painters from the Iberian Peninsula. Trade and reception of Greek vases in the tartessian and iberian communities. IconographySpanish National Research Council (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas)
Moitinho de Almeida, Vera3D imaging. Computing. Databases. Greek and Cypriot pottery. History of collections. Morphological analysis. Multispectral imaging. Pottery production. Semantic Web. Shapes and functions of greek vasesFaculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto
Murphy, LaurenAntiquities collections, historiography of vases. Beazley, Trendall, connoisseurship, intellectual history of the study of vase-painting. Connoisseurship. Greek Vases (Iconography, Inscriptions). Reception history. Renaissance reception of vases. South Italian vasesLa Trobe University - PhD
Neill, LizGeographies. Iconography. Imagined creatures. Museums and interpreting legacy collections for the 21st century. Provenance studies. Vase-painting of the Archaic PeriodBoston University - PhD
Neumann, Ernst-AndreasContexts in comperison: graves vs. sanctuaries. Images of the Athenian burial culture in context, esp. terracottas and black-figure Lekythoi. Interrelations of images on pottery, reliefs, and terracottasHumboldt University, Berlin / German Archaeological Institute - PhD candidate
Olya, NajeeBeazley, connoisseurship, intellectual history of the study of vase-painting. Ceramic production, craft identity, trade, external artistic influence. Portrayals of foreigners and otherness in vase-painting imageryThe College of William and Mary
Orfanos, YannisAI. Digital art. Red-figure potteryIndependent researcher
Paleothodoros, DimitrisAttic black-and red-figured vases from Paros, Despotikon, Kythnos, Attic black- and red-figured vases from Philia (Thessaly), iconography, ancient collections, vase-painters, Etruscan black-figureUniversity of Thessaly
Párkányi, BenceAthenian black-figure vases (late workshops). Connoisseurship. Greek vases in Hungarian collections. Iconography. Pottery production in late archaic AthensEötvös Loránd University - PhD
Parker, GregArtificial Intelligence. Computing. Databases. Semantic WebClassical Art Research Centre, University of Oxford
Pevnick, SethIconography, inscriptions, artistic identity, attribution, history of collectingThe Cleveland Museum of Art, Case Western Reserve University
Pola, AngelaAttic vases in Etruria and pre Roman Italy. Connoisseurship. Etruscan figured pottery (black-figure and red-figure). Faliscan red-figure pottery. ORA of figured vases. Provenance studies; discovery contextsUniversità degli Studi di Pavia; Classical Art Research Centre, University of Oxford
Prøitz, MadsArchaic and Classical Greek iconography. State- and military related iconography and pottery, and other objects.University of Oxford - PhD
Reitzammer, LauriGreek Vases (Iconography), gender, space-place-landscape, sacred spaceUniversity of Colorado, Boulder
Reznik, CarolinaGreek pottery related with theatre. Greek theatreCONICET / UNPSJB - Posdoctoral resercher
Rodríguez Pérez, DianaAthenian vases in the Iberian Peninsula. Iconography (animal representations). John Beazley (life and work - notebooks). Repairs and intentional fragmentation of potteryUniversity of Edinburgh
Roscino, CarmelaAncient greek tragedy and comedy.. Apulian painters and workshops.. Attributions.. Greek theatre costumes.. Iconography and Iconology.. Semiotics of greek dress.. South-italian red-figured vases.. Vases with indigenous people.Università degli Studi di Bari "Aldo Moro"
Saunders, Davidhistories of collecting, display, and restoration. Iconography and approaches to pictorial narrative. museum documentation, publication, and outreach. Technical analysis. trade and exportJ. Paul Getty Museum
Savaresi, NiccolòAttic pottery. Consumers, consumption studies. Contexts. Funerary archaeology. Magna Graecia. TradeUniversität Basel - PhD candidate
Schörner, HadwigaShapes and functions of greek vases; pottery production; history of collections; provenance studiesAustrian Archaeological Institute of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
Serino, Marcoancient painting tools. ancient technology. archaeology of gesture. experimental archaeology. preliminary sketches. Red-figure pottery. reflectance transformation imaging (RTI). social network analysis. South Italian vasesUniversity of Turin
Shaw, AbyGeneology of forms. Historic designs for functionality. Pattern and ornamentationHong Kong Baptist University - MA
Smith, Amy ClaireAthenian pots. Collections histories. digital Classics. History scholarship incl. the Beazley method. IconographyUre Museum of Greek Archaeology, University of Reading
Smith , Tyler Joblack-figure, iconography, performance, religionUniversity of Virginia
Stansbury-O'Donnell, MarkPursuit scenes and narrative strategy in Attic vase painting; Lucanian and Early Apulian vase painting, data and statistic analysis; gender and represenation in Attic vase paintingUniversity of St. Thomas, Minnesota
Steinhart, MatthiasGreek Vases (Iconography, Inscriptions, Potters and Painters). Reception of Greek Vases in Modern Art and Culture. History of scholarship.University of Würzburg
Stewart, PeterBeazley Archive. Beazley, John (life and work). Connoisseurship. Provenance studiesClassical Art Research Centre, University of Oxford
Tafe, JenniferIdentity, innovation, the “Artist”. Nikosthenes Workshop. SignaturesSuffolk University, Boston
Todd, FranchescaCorinthian pottery. Etruscan pottery. trade and exportUniversity of Glasgow - MPhil
Tomei, FrancescaGIS spatial analysis. Greek ceramics. Labour and energetics. Modes of production. Pottery kilns. Pottery productionUniversity of Liverpool - PhD
Topper, KathrynGreek Vases (Iconography, Inscriptions). The symposium. Word and imageUniversity of Washington
Valtierra, AnaAntiquities collections, historiography of vases. Gender.. Greek Vase Iconography.. Iconography, inscriptions, artistic identity, attribution, history of collecting. Mythological narratives and reception. plant iconographyUniversidad Complutense de Madrid - PhD
Van Damme, TrevorLate Bronze Age pottery. Attic and Boeotian pottery (iconography, inscriptions, potters and painters). Contextual studies. Manufacture and trade.University of Victoria
Viccei, RaffaellaCatholic University of the Sacred Heart
Volioti, KaterinaAthenian black-figure vases (late workshops). Ceramic production, craft identity, trade, external artistic influence. Collections historiesRoehampton
Voukelatos, JohnIndependent researcher
Watson, WendyGreek vases, South Italian Greek vases, Italian Renaissance maiolica. Forgeries of Greek vases and other antiquitiesCurator Emerita, Mount Holyoke College Art Museum, South Hadley, MA, USA
Weekes, JulieChildren on Athenian vases. Classical Period. Dogs on Athenian vasesThe University of Western Australia - Honorary Research Assistant
Weppelmann, MarcoIconography. Image-text relations. Inscriptions. Mythology. Reader-response theory. Visual StudiesFreie Universität Berlin - PhD
Williams, DyfriGreek pottery, its makers and consumers - style, iconography, techniques, tradeUniversité Libre de Bruxelles
Yao, TianqiIconography. Mythology. social network analysis. WordcloudWorld Arthistory Institute
Zaccagnino, CristianaQueen's University, Kingston, Canada
Zachari, VasilikiBlack-figure. Iconography. Red-figure pottery. RitualEHESS - PhD
Ziemens, SandyAttic pottery, the workshop of the Penthesilea Painter, workshop organisation, attributions, handle ornaments on cupsIndependent researcher
ZISA, FLAVIAArtistic identity.. Athenian black-figure vases.. Attributions.. Contexts.. Iconography and Iconology.. Museology.. Renaissance reception.. Syracuse.. Trade.Kore University of Enna - Italy - Associate Prof. of Classical Archaeology
Zumerle, DanieleGreek pottery of the Western Megaris Archeaeological Landscape Project (WeMALP). Hellenistic and Roman pottery from the Kabeirion of Chloi (Lemnos). Late Classic and Hellenistic Pottery from the Necropolis of Taras, South ItalyUniversity of Padua - PhD student

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