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40000001, Poniatowski, T1, THE HEAD OF SATURN, MIRON AQENAIOS EP., Myron Athenaios, Unknown, Prendeville, J.: Explanatory catalogue of the proof-impressions of the antique gems possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the possession of John Tyrrell, Esq. (1841), Christie's, London, Catalogue des pierres gravées antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833), 1, Sardonyx
40000002, Poniatowski, T2, SATURN, WITH HERPE IN HIS HAND, DEVOURING ONE OF HIS CHILDREN, APOLLWNIDOU, Apollonides, Unknown, The Wellington Gems (1977) [London, Market, S.J. Phillips], Prendeville, J.: Explanatory catalogue of the proof-impressions of the antique gems possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the possession of John Tyrrell, Esq. (1841), Christie's, London, Catalogue des pierres gravées antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833), 365, Cornelian
40000003, Poniatowski, T3, SATURN AND HIS WIFE RHEA, WITH THEIR ATTRIBUTES, KROMOU, Kromos, Daktyliothek Poniatowski 1832, Antikensammlung Berlin, Unknown, Prendeville, J.: Explanatory catalogue of the proof-impressions of the antique gems possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the possession of John Tyrrell, Esq. (1841), Christie's, London, Catalogue des pierres gravées antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833), 3, Chalcedony
40000034, Poniatowski, T4, SATURN RECEIVING FROM RHEA THE STONE GIVEN HIM AS HIS CHILD, APOLLONIDOU, Apollonides, Catalogue of A Rare Collection of Antique and Medieval Gems, (...) for the Charity Organization Society (...) of NY; Tiffany, 10.-16.3.1902, Catalogue des pierres gravées antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833), Unknown, Prendeville, J.: Explanatory catalogue of the proof-impressions of the antique gems possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the possession of John Tyrrell, Esq. (1841), Christie's, London, lot 935; plate, Cornelian
40000035, Poniatowski, T5, SATURN DEVOURING A HORSE, AND NEAR HIM RHEA [WHO IS SEATED], PURGOTELES, Pyrgoteles, Unknown, Prendeville, J.: Explanatory catalogue of the proof-impressions of the antique gems possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the possession of John Tyrrell, Esq. (1841), Christie's, London, Catalogue des pierres gravées antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833), 5, Cornelian
40000036, Poniatowski, T6, SATURN, TRANSFORMED TO A HORSE, CARESSING PHILYRA, KROMOU, Kromos, Unknown, Prendeville, J.: Explanatory catalogue of the proof-impressions of the antique gems possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the possession of John Tyrrell, Esq. (1841), Christie's, London, Catalogue des pierres gravées antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833), 6, Amethyst
40000037, Poniatowski, T7, PHILYRA NURSING HER INFANT CHILD CHIRON, DIOSKOURIDOU, Dioskourides, Unknown, Prendeville, J.: Explanatory catalogue of the proof-impressions of the antique gems possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the possession of John Tyrrell, Esq. (1841), Christie's, London, Catalogue des pierres gravées antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833), 7, Sardonyx
40000038, Poniatowski, T8, PHILYRA, IN DESPAIR AT HAVING GIVEN BIRTH TO A MONSTER, PRAYS THE GODS TO TRANSFORM HER; AND, OBTAINING HER WISH, IS CHANGED TO A LIME [LINDEN] TREE, APOLLONIDOU, Apollonides, Unknown, Prendeville, J.: Explanatory catalogue of the proof-impressions of the antique gems possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the possession of John Tyrrell, Esq. (1841), Christie's, London, Catalogue des pierres gravées antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833), 8, Sardonyx
40000039, Poniatowski, T9, CYBELE, WITH HER CROWN OF TOWERS, AND AT HER FEET A TAME LION, CARESSING ATYS [ATTIS], THE YOUNG AND HANDSOME SHEPHERD OF MOUNT IDA, KROMOU, Kromos, Unknown, Catalogue des pierres gravées antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833), Prendeville, J.: Explanatory catalogue of the proof-impressions of the antique gems possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the possession of John Tyrrell, Esq. (1841), Christie's, London, I.16, Cornelian
40000040, Poniatowski, T10, CYBELE IN EXTREME SORROW, AND AT HER FEET THE LIFELESS PHRYGIAN SHEPHERD ATYS [CYBELE AND ATTIS](ORIGIN OF THE CULT OF CYBELE), KROMOU, Kromos, Unknown, Antichità Alberto Di Castro, Rome, Catalogue des pierres gravées antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833), Prendeville, J.: Explanatory catalogue of the proof-impressions of the antique gems possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the possession of John Tyrrell, Esq. (1841), Christie's, London, I.17, Cornelian
40000041, Poniatowski, T11, ATYS [ATTIS] CHANGED TO A PINE TREE [BY CYBELE], GNAIOS, Gnaios, Unknown, Catalogue des pierres gravées antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833), Prendeville, J.: Explanatory catalogue of the proof-impressions of the antique gems possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the possession of John Tyrrell, Esq. (1841), Christie's, London, I.18, Cornelian
40000042, Poniatowski, T12, ATALANTA AND HIPPOMENES CHANGED INTO A LION AND LIONESS [BY CYBELE, WHOSE STATUE IS ON A PEDESTAL NEAR THEM], APOLLONIDOU, Apollonides, Unknown, Prendeville, J.: Explanatory catalogue of the proof-impressions of the antique gems possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the possession of John Tyrrell, Esq. (1841), Christie's, London, Catalogue des pierres gravées antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833), 12, Cornelian
40000043, Poniatowski, T13, CYBELE IN HER CAR DRAWN BY LIONS, APOLLONIDOU, Apollonides, Unknown, Prendeville, J.: Explanatory catalogue of the proof-impressions of the antique gems possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the possession of John Tyrrell, Esq. (1841), Christie's, London, Catalogue des pierres gravées antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833), 13, Cornelian
40000044, Poniatowski, T14, THE GODDESS VESTA, HOLDING IN ONE HAND THE PALLADIUM, IN THE OTHER THE SACRED FIRE, PURGOTELES, Pyrgoteles, Unknown, Catalogue des pierres gravées antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833), Prendeville, J.: Explanatory catalogue of the proof-impressions of the antique gems possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the possession of John Tyrrell, Esq. (1841), Christie's, London, I.22, Cornelian
40000045, Poniatowski, T15, THE GOAT AMALTHEA NURSING THE INFANT JUPITER. AN EAGLE BRINGING HIM AMBROSIA IN A CUP, GNAIOS, Gnaios, Unknown, Catalogue des pierres gravées antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833), Prendeville, J.: Explanatory catalogue of the proof-impressions of the antique gems possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the possession of John Tyrrell, Esq. (1841), Christie's, London, I.25, Amethyst
40000046, Poniatowski, T16, JUPITER [THE SKIN OF THE GOAT AMALTHEA HUNG OVER HIS SHOULDER] PRESENTING A CUP TO SATURN CONTAINING A LIQUID WHICH CAUSES HIM TO VOMIT THE CHILDREN AND THE SWATCHED STONE WHICH HE HAD SWALLOWED, KROMOU, Kromos, Platz-Horster,G.: L'antica maniera. Zeichnungen und Gemmen des Giovanni Calandrelli in der Antikensammlung Berlin (2005), Calandrelli drawing, Antikensammlung Berlin, Unknown, Catalogue of A Rare Collection of Antique and Medieval Gems, (...) for the Charity Organization Society (...) of NY; Tiffany, 10.-16.3.1902, Catalogue des pierres gravées antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833), Prendeville, J.: Explanatory catalogue of the proof-impressions of the antique gems possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the possession of John Tyrrell, Esq. (1841), Christie's, London, P.91, Sardonyx
40000047, Poniatowski, T17, JUPITER IN FORM OF AN OWL AT THE FEET OF JUNO [ON MOUNT THORNAX IN THE STORM], GNAIOS, Gnaios, Unknown, Platz-Horster,G.: L'antica maniera. Zeichnungen und Gemmen des Giovanni Calandrelli in der Antikensammlung Berlin (2005), Calandrelli drawing, Antikensammlung Berlin, Christie's, London, Strutt Hallum, (Edward), Prendeville, J.: Explanatory catalogue of the proof-impressions of the antique gems possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the possession of John Tyrrell, Esq. (1841), Christie's, London, Catalogue des pierres gravées antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833), P.91, Cornelian
40000048, Poniatowski, T18, JUPITER [UNDER THE FORM OF A SERPENT] RESUMING HIS DIVINITY, AND MANIFESTING HIMSELF TO PROSERPINE, GNAIOS, Gnaios, Bern, Kunstmuseum; Merz Collection, Prendeville, J.: Explanatory catalogue of the proof-impressions of the antique gems possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the possession of John Tyrrell, Esq. (1841), Christie's, London, Catalogue des pierres gravées antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833), DL650, Cornelian
40000049, Poniatowski, T19, A TITAN DESTROYED BY JUPITER WITH A THUNDERBOLT, KROMOU, Kromos, Unknown, Prendeville, J.: Explanatory catalogue of the proof-impressions of the antique gems possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the possession of John Tyrrell, Esq. (1841), Christie's, London, Catalogue des pierres gravées antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833), 19, Cornelian
40000050, Poniatowski, T20, COMBAT BETWEEN JUPITER AND TYPHON THE TITAN, KROMOU, Kromos, Unknown, Daktyliothek Poniatowski 1832, Antikensammlung Berlin, Prendeville, J.: Explanatory catalogue of the proof-impressions of the antique gems possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the possession of John Tyrrell, Esq. (1841), Christie's, London, Catalogue des pierres gravées antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833), 8, Cornelian
40000051, Poniatowski, T21, TYPHON, OVERCOMING JUPITER CASTS HIM INTO THE CAVE OF CORYCUS, AT THE FOOT OF PARNASSUS, KROMOU, Kromos, Unknown, Prendeville, J.: Explanatory catalogue of the proof-impressions of the antique gems possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the possession of John Tyrrell, Esq. (1841), Christie's, London, Catalogue des pierres gravées antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833), 21, Cornelian
40000052, Poniatowski, T22, JUPITER HURLING A THUNDERBOLT AT TYPHON [A TITAN SUPPORTING A ROCK, TWO FIGURES FLYING FROM HIM], APOLLONIDOU, Apollonides, New York, Market, Christie's, London, Scarisbrick, (Charles), Esq., Prendeville, J.: Explanatory catalogue of the proof-impressions of the antique gems possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the possession of John Tyrrell, Esq. (1841), Christie's, London, Catalogue des pierres gravées antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833), May 15, 1861, lot 12, Cornelian
40000053, Poniatowski, T23, MERCURY AND PAN AT THE MOUTH OF THE CAVE CORYCUS [OF TYPHON], APOLLONIDOU, Apollonides, Unknown, The Wellington Gems (1977) [London, Market, S.J. Phillips], Prendeville, J.: Explanatory catalogue of the proof-impressions of the antique gems possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the possession of John Tyrrell, Esq. (1841), Christie's, London, Catalogue des pierres gravées antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833), 419.9, Amethyst
40000054, Poniatowski, T24, MERCURY AND AEGIPAN SENDING TO SLEEP THE ENORMOUS DRAGON WHICH GUARDS THE CAVE OF CORYCUS, AND DELIVER JUPITER, KROMOU, Kromos, Unknown, Daktyliothek Poniatowski 1832, Antikensammlung Berlin, Catalogue des pierres gravées antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833), Prendeville, J.: Explanatory catalogue of the proof-impressions of the antique gems possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the possession of John Tyrrell, Esq. (1841), Christie's, London, 9, Cornelian
40000055, Poniatowski, T25, JASON, A YOUNG MAN OF GREAT BEAUTY, BEING BELOVED BY CERES, JUPITER BECOMES JEALOUS OF HIM, AND ANNHILIATES HIM WITH LIGHTNING, PURGOTELES, Pyrgoteles, Unknown, Prendeville, J.: Explanatory catalogue of the proof-impressions of the antique gems possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the possession of John Tyrrell, Esq. (1841), Christie's, London, Catalogue des pierres gravées antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833), 25, Cornelian
40000056, Poniatowski, T26, JUPITER, MAJESTICALLY SEATED ON AN EAGLE, WITH CLOUDS BENEATH FEET, BANISHES HIS DAUGHTER ATE ( DISCORD ) FROM HEAVEN, GNAIOS, Gnaios, Unknown, Prendeville, J.: Explanatory catalogue of the proof-impressions of the antique gems possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the possession of John Tyrrell, Esq. (1841), Christie's, London, Catalogue des pierres gravées antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833), 26, Cornelian
40000057, Poniatowski, T27, HEBE PRESENTING A CUP OF NECTAR TO THE EAGLE OF JUPITER, KROMOU, Kromos, Unknown, Prendeville, J.: Explanatory catalogue of the proof-impressions of the antique gems possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the possession of John Tyrrell, Esq. (1841), Christie's, London, Catalogue des pierres gravées antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833), 27, Sardonyx
40000058, Poniatowski, T28, HEBE POURING OUT NECTAR TO JUPITER [THE EAGLE BEHIND HIM], KROMOU, Kromos, Unknown, Prendeville, J.: Explanatory catalogue of the proof-impressions of the antique gems possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the possession of John Tyrrell, Esq. (1841), Christie's, London, Catalogue des pierres gravées antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833), 28, Sardonyx
40000059, Poniatowski, T29, JUPITER COMMANDING THE EAGLE TO CARRY OFF GANYMEDE, SON OF TROS, KING OF ILIUM, KROMOU, Kromos, Unknown, Prendeville, J.: Explanatory catalogue of the proof-impressions of the antique gems possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the possession of John Tyrrell, Esq. (1841), Christie's, London, Catalogue des pierres gravées antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833), 29, Cornelian
40000060, Poniatowski, T30, JUPITER CARESSING GANYMEDE, WHO IS OFFERING HIM NECTAR, KROMOU, Kromos, Unknown, Prendeville, J.: Explanatory catalogue of the proof-impressions of the antique gems possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the possession of John Tyrrell, Esq. (1841), Christie's, London, Catalogue des pierres gravées antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833), 30, Cornelian
40000061, Poniatowski, T31, GANYMEDE [SEATED ON A ROCK] PRESENTING A CUP OF NECTAR TO THE EAGLE OF JUPITER, PURGOTELES, Pyrgoteles, Unknown, Prendeville, J.: Explanatory catalogue of the proof-impressions of the antique gems possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the possession of John Tyrrell, Esq. (1841), Christie's, London, Catalogue des pierres gravées antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833), 31, Cornelian
40000062, Poniatowski, T32, GANYMEDE BORNE BY THE EAGLE OF JUPITER, KROMOU, Kromos, Market, Prendeville, J.: Explanatory catalogue of the proof-impressions of the antique gems possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the possession of John Tyrrell, Esq. (1841), Catalogue des pierres gravées antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833), Monaco: Dario Ghio Antiquités, Cornelian
40000063, Poniatowski, T33, HEAD OF GANYMEDE, WITH ATTRIBUTES, Unknown, Daktyliothek Poniatowski 1832, Antikensammlung Berlin, Prendeville, J.: Explanatory catalogue of the proof-impressions of the antique gems possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the possession of John Tyrrell, Esq. (1841), Christie's, London, Catalogue des pierres gravées antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833), 13, Cornelian
40000064, Poniatowski, T34, JUPITER AS A SATYR SURPRISING ANTIOPE [RAISING A DRAPERY], DIOSKOURIDOU, Dioskourides, Market, Prendeville, J.: Explanatory catalogue of the proof-impressions of the antique gems possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the possession of John Tyrrell, Esq. (1841), Christie's, London, Catalogue des pierres gravées antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833), Monaco: Dario Ghio Antiquités, Sardonyx
40000065, Poniatowski, T35, JUPITER DESTROYING THE HOUSE OF LYCAON, AND CHANGING HIM TO A WOLF, KROMOU, Kromos, Unknown, Catalogue of A Rare Collection of Antique and Medieval Gems, (...) for the Charity Organization Society (...) of NY; Tiffany, 10.-16.3.1902, Prendeville, J.: Explanatory catalogue of the proof-impressions of the antique gems possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the possession of John Tyrrell, Esq. (1841), Christie's, London, Catalogue des pierres gravées antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833), lot 978, Cornelian
40000066, Poniatowski, T36, JUPITER DESTROYING THE HOUSE OF LYCAON, AND CHANGING HIM TO A WOLF, KROMOU, Kromos, Unknown, Prendeville, J.: Explanatory catalogue of the proof-impressions of the antique gems possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the possession of John Tyrrell, Esq. (1841), Christie's, London, Catalogue des pierres gravées antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833), 36, Cornelian
40000067, Poniatowski, T37, JUPITER AND CALLISTO, KROMOU, Kromos, Unknown, Prendeville, J.: Explanatory catalogue of the proof-impressions of the antique gems possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the possession of John Tyrrell, Esq. (1841), Christie's, London, Catalogue des pierres gravées antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833), 37, Cornelian
40000068, Poniatowski, T38, JUPITER CONFIDING ARCAS TO A SHEPHERD [ARCHAS], KROMOU, Kromos, Unknown, Prendeville, J.: Explanatory catalogue of the proof-impressions of the antique gems possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the possession of John Tyrrell, Esq. (1841), Christie's, London, Catalogue des pierres gravées antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833), 38, Cornelian
40000069, Poniatowski, T39, CALLISTO AND ARCAS AS THE GREAT AND LITTLE BEAR [CHANGED BY JUPITER], DIOSKOURIDOU, Dioskourides, Unknown, Prendeville, J.: Explanatory catalogue of the proof-impressions of the antique gems possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the possession of John Tyrrell, Esq. (1841), Christie's, London, Catalogue des pierres gravées antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833), 39, Cornelian
40000070, Poniatowski, T40, JUNO CHANGING CALLISTO TO A BEAR, GNAIOS, Gnaios, Unknown, Prendeville, J.: Explanatory catalogue of the proof-impressions of the antique gems possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the possession of John Tyrrell, Esq. (1841), Christie's, London, Catalogue des pierres gravées antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833), 40, Amethyst
40000071, Poniatowski, T41, JUPITER APPEARING TO ARCAS, STAYS HIS HAND AT THE MOMENT HE IS ABOUT TO DISCHARGE AN ARROW AT HIS MOTHER CALLISTO, WHOM, TRANSFORMED TO A BEAR, HE DOES NOT RECOGNISE, AQENION, Athenion, Unknown, Platz-Horster,G.: L'antica maniera. Zeichnungen und Gemmen des Giovanni Calandrelli in der Antikensammlung Berlin (2005), Calandrelli drawing, Antikensammlung Berlin, Bonhams, London, Prendeville, J.: Explanatory catalogue of the proof-impressions of the antique gems possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the possession of John Tyrrell, Esq. (1841), Christie's, London, Catalogue des pierres gravées antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833), p.89, Sardonyx
40000072, Poniatowski, T42, CALLISTO AS A BEAR DISCOVERING HERSELF TO HER SON [ARCAS] SNATCHES THE ARROW FROM HIM, GNAIOS, Gnaios, Unknown, The Wellington Gems (1977) [London, Market, S.J. Phillips], Prendeville, J.: Explanatory catalogue of the proof-impressions of the antique gems possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the possession of John Tyrrell, Esq. (1841), Christie's, London, Catalogue des pierres gravées antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833), 419.5, Amethyst
40000073, Poniatowski, T44, JUPITER AS A BULL CROSSING THE SEA WITH EUROPA ON HIS BACK, AND NEAR HIM AN EAGLE, KROMOU, Kromos, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Prendeville, J.: Explanatory catalogue of the proof-impressions of the antique gems possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the possession of John Tyrrell, Esq. (1841), Christie's, London, Catalogue des pierres gravées antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833), 20.80.2/45799, Sardonyx
40000074, Poniatowski, T45, JUPITER AND EUROPA [APPEARING TO HER UNDER THE FORM OF A BULL SHE IS LYING ON A COUCH BENEATH AN OLIVE-TREE, IN THE ISLE OF CRETE], KROMOU, Kromos, Unknown, Prendeville, J.: Explanatory catalogue of the proof-impressions of the antique gems possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the possession of John Tyrrell, Esq. (1841), Christie's, London, Catalogue des pierres gravées antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833), 45, Cornelian
40000075, Poniatowski, T46, EUROPA RECLINING UNDER THE PLANTAIN, AND JUPITER AS AN EAGLE NESTLING IN THE BRANCHES, GNAIOS, Gnaios, Unknown, Prendeville, J.: Explanatory catalogue of the proof-impressions of the antique gems possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the possession of John Tyrrell, Esq. (1841), Christie's, London, Catalogue des pierres gravées antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833), 46, Cornelian
40000076, Poniatowski, T47, JUPITER IN LOVE WITH LEDA, DAUGHTER OF THESPIUS, AND WIFE OF TYNDARUS, KING OF SPARTA, TAKES THE FORM OF A SWAN TO SURPRISE HER, AND COMMANDS VENUS TO ASSUME THAT OF AN EAGLE AND PURSUE HIM, IN ORDER THAT LEDA MAY GIVE HIM SHELTER, DIOSKOURIDOU, Dioskourides, Unknown, Prendeville, J.: Explanatory catalogue of the proof-impressions of the antique gems possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the possession of John Tyrrell, Esq. (1841), Christie's, London, Catalogue des pierres gravées antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833), 47, Cornelian
40000077, Poniatowski, T48, JUPITER, ENAMOURED OF ELARA, DAUGHTER OF ORCHOMENOS, KING OF BOEOTIA, TO CONCEAL HER FROM THE WATCHFULNESS OF JUNO, SECRETS HER IN A DEEP CAVE, WHERE SHE BECOMES THE MOTHER OF THE GIANT TITYUS, APOLLONIDOU, Apollonides, Unknown, Prendeville, J.: Explanatory catalogue of the proof-impressions of the antique gems possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the possession of John Tyrrell, Esq. (1841), Christie's, London, Catalogue des pierres gravées antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833), 48, Amethyst
40000078, Poniatowski, T49, JUPITER METAMORPHOSED TO A HORSE, TO OBTAIN THE FAVOURS OF DIA, DAUGHTER OF DEIONEUS, GNAIOS, Gnaios, Unknown, Prendeville, J.: Explanatory catalogue of the proof-impressions of the antique gems possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the possession of John Tyrrell, Esq. (1841), Christie's, London, Catalogue des pierres gravées antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833), 49, Chalcedony
40000079, Poniatowski, T50, DANAE RECEIVING THE SHOWER OF GOLD. JUPITER IN LOVE WITH DANAE, DAUGHTER OF ACRISIUS, KING OF ARGOS, TRANSFORMING HIMSELF TO A SHOWER OF GOLD, PENETRATES THE BRAZEN TOWER IN WHICH DANAE IS CONFINED BY HER FATHER, AND SHE BECOMES THE MOTHER OF PERSEUS, DIOSKOURIDOU, Dioskourides, Paris, Cabinet des médailles, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Seguin, (Jean-Charles), Prendeville, J.: Explanatory catalogue of the proof-impressions of the antique gems possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the possession of John Tyrrell, Esq. (1841), Christie's, London, Catalogue des pierres gravées antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833), H2868, inv 366, Sardonyx
40000080, Poniatowski, T51, JUPITER APPEARING AS A FLAME OF FIRE TO AEGINA. JUPITER, TO OBTAIN THE FAVOURS OF AEGINA, DAUGHTER OF THE RIVER ASOPUS, CHANGED HIMSELF TO A FLAME OF FIRE, AND MADE THE NYMPH THE MOTHER OF AECUS, WHO WAS THE FATHER OF TELAMON, POLUKLEITOU, Polyklet, Unknown, Prendeville, J.: Explanatory catalogue of the proof-impressions of the antique gems possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the possession of John Tyrrell, Esq. (1841), Christie's, London, Catalogue des pierres gravées antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833), 51, Cornelian
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