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40001219, Poniatowski, T1170, ULYSSES AND TELEGONUS [THE SON UNKNOWINGLY KILLING HIS FATHER WITH A POISONED ARROW, WHO IS SUPPORTED BY A WARRIOR, ANOTHER IS STRIKING AT THE SON WITH A SWORD], POLUKLEITOU, Polyklet, Paris, Cabinet des médailles, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Seguin, (Jean-Charles), Platz-Horster,G.: L'antica maniera. Zeichnungen und Gemmen des Giovanni Calandrelli in der Antikensammlung Berlin (2005), Daktyliothek Poniatowski 1832, Antikensammlung Berlin, Calandrelli drawing, Antikensammlung Berlin, Prendeville, J.: Explanatory catalogue of the proof-impressions of the antique gems possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the possession of John Tyrrell, Esq. (1841), Christie's, London, Catalogue des pierres gravées antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833), H2945, inv 433, Cornelian

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