40000071, Poniatowski, T41, JUPITER APPEARING TO ARCAS, STAYS HIS HAND AT THE MOMENT HE IS ABOUT TO DISCHARGE AN ARROW AT HIS MOTHER CALLISTO, WHOM, TRANSFORMED TO A BEAR, HE DOES NOT RECOGNISE, AQENION, Athenion, Unknown, Platz-Horster,G.: L'antica maniera. Zeichnungen und Gemmen des Giovanni Calandrelli in der Antikensammlung Berlin (2005), Calandrelli drawing, Antikensammlung Berlin, Bonhams, London, Prendeville, J.: Explanatory catalogue of the proof-impressions of the antique gems possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the possession of John Tyrrell, Esq. (1841), Christie's, London, Catalogue des pierres gravées antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833), p.89, Sardonyx
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