Last Recorded Collection: Madrid, Museo Arqueologico Nacional: 10901
Previous Collections:
Madrid, Salamanca Collection
Publication Record: Abantos. Homenaje a Paloma Cabrera Bonet (Madrid, 2021): 588, FIG.1 (B) Alvarez-Ossorio, F., Vasos griegos, etruscos e italo-griegos en el Museo Arqueologico Nacional (Madrid, 1910): PL.25 RIGHT (A) Ancient World: 15 (1987), 63, FIGS.3-4 (A, B) Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: MADRID, MUSEE ARCHEOLOGIQUE NATIONAL 1, IIIHE.9, PL.(45) 27.2A-B View Whole CVA Plates Gargiulo, R., Recueil des monuments du Musee Royal-Bourbon (Naples, 1845): II, PL.29 (DRAWINGS OF A, B) Leroux, G., Vases grecs et italo-grecs du Musee Acheologique de Madrid (Bordeaux, 1912): PL.13 (A, B) Yalouris, N. et al., Athletics in Ancient Greece (Athens, 1977): 244, FIG.142 (B)
CAVI Lemma: BF Panathenaic prize amphora (?){1}. Unattributed. Third quarter sixth. 530
or before (?).
CAVI Subject: A: Athena. B: two hoplites fighting.
CAVI Inscriptions: A: on the left column, in red(2): τον Αθενεθεν αθλον.
CAVI Footnotes: {1} undersized. {2} so Leroux ("Sur la colonette de gauche, peint en rouge")
and CVA; Brandt says in error: incised on the column. For inscriptions in red,
or incised, on Panathenaics, see AttScr (1990), 183-85.
CAVI Comments: The inscription is painted in red on the column; the painter thought of a
columnar monument of which there are many on the Acropolis (Neils). Despite the
inscription, both Brandt (9 n. 5) and Neils declare the vase not to be a prize
vase. The subject on B is not standard as the hoplomachia's prize was not oil
(see Neils 198 n. 82). Kyle says the hoplomachia was not a Panathenaic event.
CAVI Number: 4881
AVI Bibliography: BADB 3756 (bibl.). — Gargiulo (1845), ii, pl. 29 (drawings of A, B). —
Alvarez-Ossorio (1910), 67, pl. 25. — Leroux (1912), 48/71, pl. 13 (A, B)
(inscription not shown). — J.R. Mélida, CVA Madrid 1, Spain 1 (1930), III H e,
pl. 27,2a-b (also facs.; bibl.). — Paris (1936), pl. LIX,2 (A). — Brandt (1978),
9, n. 5. — Poliakoff (1987), 63, figs. 3-4 (A, B). — AttScr (1990), no. 1192. —
Kyle (1992), ibid. 205 n. 63. — Neils (1992), 40.
CAVI / AVI Data from Henry Immerwahr's Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI), updated by Rudoph Wachter's Attic Vase Inscriptions (AVI)