Remarks: Temple model. Roof separately made and detached. Front pediment H 6.2, W 16.5. Back pedimental H 6.2, W 17.2. H lateral acroterion of palmettes 3.4, W 2.5. Hole for central acroterion attachment. Pediment shows reclining male to right, half draped, and reclining female to left, half draped, seen from back. Back pediment empty. Roof: 7 rows of pan tiles, 4 deep (including ridge tile) W 2.3, D 2.3 eaves, 2.7, 2.2, 2.7 ridge; 7 rows of cover tiles, 4 deep (including ridge tile) W 0.7, D 2.7 antefix, 2.3, 2.5, 3; ridge tiles are normal double pan tiles and cover tiles folded over ridge. Antefixes are palmettes H 1.4, W 1.4. Th plinth 0.9. Porch in antis, H 14.1, W 9.6. Door slightly narrower. Bench at back, detached. Below eaves (overhang 0.5-1.4), horizontal architrave has triangular opening above dentil course and 2 fascia. Engaged corner columns on double square bases with double torus base, fluted columns, 2/side, 3 across back, 2 antae.
Bibliography: Staccioli 1968, no. 15, pp. 24-26, Pls. 12-15; Helbig4 III, no. 2535; Sprenger & Bartoloni 1983, Pl. 274; Les Etrusques et l'Europe 1992, no. 159
Publication record: Führer durch die öffentlichen Sammlungen klassischer Altertümer in Rome, Bd. 1-4. 4., völlig neu bearb. Aufl. Hrsg. Von H. Speier. Author: Helbig, W.. Place of publication: Tübingen. Publication Date: 1963-1972 Les Etrusques et l'Europe. Exhibition, Paris-Berlin 1992-1993. Place of publication: Paris. Publication Date: 1992 Modelli di edifici etrusco-italici I: I modelli votivi. Author: Staccioli, R.A.. Place of publication: Firenze. Publication Date: 1968 The Etruscans: their history, art, and architecture. Author: Sprenger, M. & G. Bartoloni. Place of publication: New York. Publication Date: 1983
Type of decoration: Temple model
Last Recorded Collection: Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia