CAVI Collection: Ferrara, Museo Nazionale di Spina T 293.
CAVI Lemma: RF cup. From Spina. Calliope Painter. Third quarter fifth.
CAVI Subject: Int.: Clio and Mousaeus, A: youth holding a lyre, with a woman and a youth; a
naked youth and a woman. B: youth and two women; woman holding out a lyre, and a
CAVI Inscriptions: Int.: Kleio{1}. Mosaios{1}. A: Nαια. B: N[αι]α. [Κ]λεο. - Q.'s readings
differ from Beazley's but are also very poor: Int.: Μοσαιος. A: (I convert her
`...' to `[--]'): [--]α. Μοσαο. [--]αεο. [Should this not be: [Κ]λεο(?)] Α[--]ς.
[Sigma printed as three-stroke.] B: Ι̣[--]α. ΙΑ. Κλ[--]εο. [i.e., Κλεο(?).]
Πολ̣οι. [`arrow' lambda.] The pictures do not show the inscriptions. On p. 92 n.
9, Q. says that Clio appears twice, on the Int. and on B, at right [but I wonder
if she does not appear on A also.] Musaeus appears both on the Int. and on A,
left. [I do not know which figures go with which names.]
CAVI Footnotes: {1} I assume these figures are inscribed.
CAVI Number: 3492
AVI Bibliography: ARV[2] (1963), 1259/2. — Queyrel (1988), 91/5, 92 n. 9, pl. 21,1,3,5.
CAVI / AVI Data from Henry Immerwahr's Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI), updated by Rudoph Wachter's Attic Vase Inscriptions (AVI)