215830, ATHENIAN, Brussels, Musées Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire, A1641
- Vase Number: 215830
- Fabric: ATHENIAN
- Technique: RED-FIGURE
- Sub Technique: WHITE GROUND
- Shape Name: LEKYTHOS
- Date: -450 to -400
- Attributed To: DESSYPRI P by BEAZLEY
- Decoration: Body: WOMAN WITH SASH
- Last Recorded Collection: Brussels, Musées Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire: A1641
- Publication Record: Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1963): 1198.15
Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: BRUSSELS, MUSEES ROYAUX DU CINQUANTENAIRE 1, III.J.B.2, PL.(042) 2.6 View Whole CVA Plates
Last updated 06/02/2025 07:58:00 by Mannack, Thomas. Created 19/10/2003 05:36:00 by Mannack, Thomas. Approved by Mannack, Thomas. Copyright © 2003-2025 Classical Art Research Centre, University of Oxford.
Link to this record using the address https://www.beazley.ox.ac.uk/record/7C55E5EE-F5E9-4EF0-93B1-9D1866853638